Retail Needs a Redo - STAT!
Why people (Hi, 👋 I'm people), just don't want to go into stores anymore and would rather shop online. I went to a major retailer for a few items after work yesterday and would rather eat soup with a fork. First, it's not even mid-July. WHY ARE BACK TO SCHOOL ITEMS ALL STOCKED WHEN SCHOOL JUST ENDED TWO WEEKS AGO? Do you retailers not like Summer? Do blow up pools smores, and bubbles make you cringe? STOP pushing consumers to the next thing and let us enjoy the present season. If not, can I come over to your corporate HQ and decorate for Halloween now? Second, I was at the self-check-out (I know, I know) and they were all occupied. No big deal. One customer finished up and barely walked away (I'm talking turned around and took like two baby steps as she needed an employee to remove the alarm tags). This male customer behind me said in an irritating voice "You can go now." Excuse me? Sir, if you are in a hurry that's not my problem. If you can't allow...