Your Voice is a Weather Pattern

The past few days we have had some intense weather changes. From a record high of 86 degrees with sun, then withering down to 36 degrees with snow flurries. A fifty degree drop in just two days. And just like the weather, your voice can and will alter in variety. Sometimes in a short time. As it should. Because things cannot grow without an assortment of change.

You can have fiery passion one day. You will stand with your head held high, shoulders back, and just radiate warm confidence and beam down encouragement to others; helping them stand a little taller and stronger. But the very next day, you may feel gray and chilly. Everything you might say just falls right to the ground, gets murky, and pushed to the side to make room for other things.

And that is perfectly ok. Just like we need Mother Nature’s array to nurture our environment; an array with our voice is needed to nurture our community. But when weather takes a turn with unfavorable conditions, it can be easy and convenient to just wait it out. How many times did you delay going to run that errand when it was snowing? Or waiting in the vestibule with a cart full of groceries for the downpour to pass?

How many times have we had to venture out in that bad weather because a prescription needed to be picked up? Or dinner needed to be fixed? But you took that deep breath, said a little prayer, and off you went. And when you were done? You realized you survived. Maybe came back with some frozen fingers or soaked jeans, but guess what? You did it. And it makes you a bit stronger for next time.

Your voice will give you the same struggles. You will inevitably feel messy because people misunderstood you. You will not want to speak up because it might be a slippery road and you might hit someone who will blame you rather than the conditions at hand. There will be days where everything is super clear, the words resonate, the seeds get planted, and the lanes get a bit wider to fit everyone.

Every single one of those elements matter. Some love swimming, some love skiing. Some like to sit by the fire while others like ice fishing. But without all those elements, we would not be able to enjoy all those choices. Nor would we be able to talk to others.

The weather has seasons. Our voice has seasons. There will be mild days and intense days. Both can be surprising. And while we have the tools and technology to predict the former, we should not predict the latter. And we should never control either. 


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