
     Your head doesn’t move an inch, your eyes skim from side to side, your hands are fidgeting, body is shifting…isn’t there anyone who sees a problem with xyz situation, comment, procedure, event, etc.? 

    So many times, we can find ourselves knowing a situation isn’t right; wondering who else might say something…but all there seems to be is deafening silence. The seconds go into minutes, then all of a sudden, the meeting or conversation ends and there is a progression in the wrong direction starting to happen.

    People do not always do what is best; they sometimes do what is easy, what is convenient so they can move along to the next thing on the agenda. This is not ok…this makes exclusion, inequality, and separation more prevalent. 

    Whether it be online or in person, so many times we kick ourselves for knowing better, but not actually doing better. Why are we letting the wrong things still win?

    Speak Your Loud is using your voice when the things that matter most to you and others are being threatened, overlooked, or even ignored. When other voices seem to be all powerful, demanding, and not really listening…when other people only have their best interest in mind at the expense of something or someone else…Speak Your Loud hopes to encourage people to start using their voice to have their heart heard.

    Why are more people not speaking up for their loud? Is it because they can be seen? Or, maybe they can see others?

    It’s OK to push back, ask questions, demand answers. It’s OK to say no, disagree, and not like or do something if it doesn’t work for you. It’s OK to not keep the peace because that is what is expected.

    We all have our vices; but your voice should never be one of them. Speak Your Loud. 🗣


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