
Showing posts from May, 2023

Put Color Into Your Voice

Is everyone just using the black and gray crayons from the box? Yawn. It seems that way from all the social media posts I see. Especially on LinkedIn. Everyone is posting how to do this, that, or the other.  Boring.  Then there seems to be never ending polls.  Why?  Carousels that are rides and supposed to be for fun, are turning into things I want to hide from my feed. Everyone is turning their attention to one dreaded common denominator; the algorithm. All these voices are the same. They are all blending together like a toddler using crayons for the first time. Rarely do I see anything unique. Voices that stand for something, push boundaries, ask questions to get people thinking. I am so tired of society dictating we all stay in the same lane; driving so fast to some made up quantifiable destination that is already so overcrowded. It is time to stop speeding for some imaginary number of the day. It is time to start slowing down and really think about your voice. Wh...