
Showing posts from February, 2023
       I won’t lie. Using your voice in the beginning is not easy. I was quiet for the most part when I was in my younger years. Sure, I talked back to my parents in the typical pre-teen, teenage fashion…but really standing up for myself and others? Nope.       Was. Not. Happening.      Looking back, there were soooo many times that was the wrong choice. We always say we do things and base decisions with what we know and have at that moment; and that is true up to a point. But when you know something is not right; when you can feel it, when you don’t need anything or anyone else to solidify what you already know, then you really don’t have any excuses to not take action.       My excuses back then that were not really excuses -      Did I want to ruffle feathers? No.        Did I want people to see and think of me differently? Of course not.      Did I want to lose friends or employment? Not a chance.      Did I want to be seen as being a certain way? Nope.      All the above does i